Over the last half century, the Austrian State of Vorarlberg has developed an international reputation for its radical yet sensitive and considered approach to architecture, design and building. A combination of innovative architects and clients, liberal building and planning regulations, an aspiring regional government, and an open-minded public has paved the way for a built environment and culture with design quality at its heart. Ecological sensitivity, the value placed on traditional and innovative crafts and skills, investment in young designers, and good understanding of local materials and landscape all contribute to the Vorarlberg phenomenon.
Getting Things Done: The Evolution of the Built Environment in Vorarlberg is a touring exhibition developed for the specific purpose of presenting Vorarlberg architecture to a decidedly international audience. With a total of more than 230 projects and around 700 photographic illustrations, the exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of the so-called Vorarlberger Bauschule (Vorarlberg School of Building), a movement that dates back to the late 50s, early 60s of the last century.